Online LibrarianCarl
The Internet is the world's largest library. It's just that all the books are on the floor. ~ John Allen PaulosWhat THIS IS:This is to be a series of articles about various online resources. The focus will primarily be on free web sites and basic concepts and tools that accompany Internet reference and research.
Who I AM:My name is Carl and I am a newly appointed reference librarian at the Reading Public Library main branch. I earned my undergraduate degree in Philosophy from the Pennsylvania State University and my Master of Science in Library Science from the Clarion University of Pennsylvania. My interests include computers and the Internet, art, and philosophy.
Who SHOULD BE INTERESTED IN THESE ARTICLES:These articles are intended for beginner to intermediate online researchers, information professionals, and Internet users. These articles will be particularly useful for those Internet users who are unfamiliar with the breadth of online reference resources readily available online.
Bottom LINE:In each Blog article I will be examining the best Internet sites for reference and information seeking. Along the way I will be discussing major concepts and ‘tricks of the trade’ for researching information online.
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